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Celebrate Worldwide Knitting Day

One dark, quiet night, somewhere out over the Atlantic, I had an epiphany. Surrounded by masked passengers slumped in their seats, the activity of the lady across the aisle (and one row forward) captured my heart. While others slept, she knitted. With the speed and agility of an Olympic athlete, this individual’s fingers created row after row of a thirty-six-inch colorful boa.

With the speed and agility of an Olympic athlete, this individual’s fingers created row after row of a thirty-six-inch colorful boa.
— Living With Eternal Intentionality

And here is the best part: when we touched down at JFK, she made a formal gift presentation to her fellow traveler, “Here, this is for you. While on our tour, you commented on how much you liked my boa, and I wanted to make one for you.”

Wow! I thought to myself, “What an amazing souvenir.” Sitting undetected in the audience and watching the airplane theatrics play out, this drama pulled me in like a magnet. Because of that transatlantic flight, I enthusiastically determined to take up knitting.

So, after a trip to Hobby Lobby to purchase eyelash yarn specific for boas—and laboring step by step over YouTube tutorials—I embarked on my own delightful journey of creating handmade gifts. Endless mistakes and encouragement from fellow knitters punctuated my beginner’s path. When I wanted to quit and toss the whole ball of tangled yarn in the garbage, the image of the unknown lady on the plane kept me moving ahead (or, might I add, flying forward).

From time to time, I evaluate and ask myself, “Why do I love this activity?”

Blessings of Knitting

1. The sheer delight. I never expected to be able to knit!

2. Time, especially travel time, passes pleasantly and productively when one is knitting.

3. The feel of the yarn and its vibrant thread color provide a rich sensory experience.

4. Science supports the fact that knitting is a healthy endeavor. A few benefits: lowered blood pressure, slowed onset of dementia, a distraction from chronic pain, and an increased sense of well-being.

5. The surprised smile on the recipient’s face brings untold joy to my soul when I say, “Here, I made this for you.”

So, on June 11th, Worldwide Knitting in Public Day, give a high five to any knitter in your circle of friends. And, consider for a moment that the adventure just might be for you!

Living With Eternal Intentionality®

“He has also set eternity in the human heart” (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

What hobby captures your heart and feeds your soul?

Where did you learn this?

Could it be that someone is unobtrusively observing your interaction with your craft?

If so, how would they describe the benefits they see it brings to you?