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A Fight for My Right

Bullying is bad business and society exercises zero tolerance. However, when our personal peace gets bullied, we tend to shrink. Please join me in a recent thought process.

Sitting on my bed and looking through the blinds at the trees outdoors, I took inventory of a whole host of disturbances sitting on the branches of my life. This and that wore the mask of a bully.

Then, it dawned on me. As a child of God, peace is actually my right, my inheritance, `lo, even my privilege! Colossians 1:12 confirms my conviction; “Giving thanks to the Father who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light.” And what is my inheritance? PEACE. Jesus died to give me peace and I am entitled to this supernatural quality of life.

So, why the disconnect? All too quickly our Fruit of the Spirit peace is snatched away by the power of one: one negative thought, one unpleasant phone call, one snarky comment, one random text, one rude driver, one alarming lab report, one dismal misunderstanding, one bleak bank statement, one disgruntled colleague, one frightening look into a foggy future, one unhappy child, one social media post.

Yet, herein lies the breakthrough to claiming our inheritance: Peace is a Person, not a set of circumstances. The One Who is the Prince of Peace also holds the power over the one, whatever the one may be. “He himself is our peace.” (Ephesians 1:14a) Did you get that? He is our peace, not the solution, not the resolution, not the result nor the outcome. HE is our peace. And His quiet, supernatural peace is available as my inheritance, regardless.

So, how do we experience more consistently what is rightfully ours? Three actions are key.

  1. When that weird feeling stirs in our emotions alerting us to the fact that our peace is subject to bullying, we must intentionally act as warriors and plant our faith flag in the soil of our inheritance.

  2. At that pivotal moment, our conversation with Jesus needs to go something like this: “Jesus, You died to give me peace. You are the Prince of Peace. In Your Name, by the power of Your Holy Spirit, I ask that you make real in these circumstances what is already rightfully mine. Please infuse me with Your peace.”

  3. And we acknowledge that faith does not have to figure it out. His peace passes understanding (Philippians 4:7) how this might be resolved, how this might work out, how this might be eliminated. In the meantime, we live and breathe P.E.A.C.E. And in reality, peace is more precious that the outcome itself, because He is peace.

    “Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace at all times and in every way.” (2 Thessalonians 3:16)

Living With Eternal Intentionality®

“And this is eternal life, that they may know You the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent” (John 17:3).

What is most likely bullies your peace?

When this occurs, what is your game plan for claiming your inheritance?

How is your favorite Scripture used as a weapon in your warfare for peace?