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Nightlight Sheds Daylight on Forgiveness

While others slept, I lay awake. Sweltering temperatures disrupted my nocturnal rest. In the wakefulness, my mind dropped anchor on the phrase forgive your brother from your heart and a thought process began to take shape.

Foundational Principles on Forgiveness

  • Forgiveness is at the core of my salvation.

  • Forgiveness is an intentional act of grace where I extend to another person what God has extended to me.

  • No one ever earns a PHD in forgiveness, yet in the laboratory of life, we each experience ongoing, on-the-job training.

  • Forgiveness requires obedience, is always by faith, and remains essential to mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional health.

  • Forgiveness portrays a posture of humility.

  • “Forgiveness never goes to a deserving person.” (R. Stevens)

  • Concerning forgiveness, after Jesus, a human individual is the primary focus.

Then, led by the Holy Spirit, my thinking climbed upward to a new vista of

What If’s regarding the transaction of forgiveness:

What if we made forgiveness more about God and galvanized our focus on Him?

What if forgiveness became an act of worship and took the form of a love offering to Him?

What if we prayed, “Father, because You are King of my heart—and out of a desperate desire to obey You—I worship you by extending forgiveness.”?

What if?

Just a thought . . .

Living With Eternal Intentionality®

“And this is eternal life, that they may know You the only true God, and Jesus Christ

whom You have sent” (John 17:3).

. . . forgive your brother from your heart (Matthew 18:35b)

With which of the Foundational Principles on Forgiveness do you most identify?

What new personal lesson is God teaching you about forgiveness?