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Women's History Month

This one’s for you, dear reader!

Thank you:

Thank you for joining us in March for Women’s History Month. We considered the lives of Abigail Adams, Vonette Bright, and Elisabeth Elliot. Your feedback affirms that the moments shared have been encouraging.

Now, this one’s for you! As an amazing woman with a significant contribution to make in history, the moment has come for you to write your own Cameo.

Tell Your Story:

Your life is a story, which deserves to be told. Whether God asks you to go across the ocean or across the street, He wants to use your story to help tell His Story. So, in everyday situations, just speak up. Tell who Jesus is and what He means to you.

Take the Next Step:

Be ready to ask an individual the simple question: “Where are you in your faith journey?” Then, be sensitive and ready to offer an appropriate next step.

Turn to Prayer:

We live in a world populated by hurting people. Loneliness smothers our society; anxiety plagues our population. As your day brings you into conversation with individuals, gently ask the person if you can take a moment to pray with them. The very fact that you care enough to stop and bring God into the realities of a person’s challenges will offer them hope beyond belief.

Try It:

Yes! Try it. Allow the Holy Spirit to fill you, guide you, and speak through you. Take the next step in Living With Eternal Intentionality® and see what new pages God will write in the volume of your story. And you are not alone. Heaven is cheering you on!

Tell Us:

Please be sure to come back and let us know what you discover as you say, “God, I am available to let You use my story to help tell Your Story.” “Be who God meant you to be, and you will set the world on fire.” - Catherine of Sienna

Living With Eternal Intentionality®

“He has also set eternity in the hearts of men” (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

“This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples” (John 15:8).

How do you relate to the idea that you have a story that God wants to use in telling His Story?

When have you recently seen loneliness or anxiety displayed in a conversation?

Which everyday situation comes to mind where you believe The Lord wants you to speak up?