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10 of Our Favorite Christmas Traditions

Trudging down to the basement Larry and I make our annual pilgrimage to the back corner where a stack of boxes awaits our approach. For 11 months these cartons stood silent. But now, back upstairs, as each lid comes off in the firelight of the family room, we unpack a host of treasured items known as Christmas Decorations.

Traditions create warmth and cohesiveness to a family’s fabric.
— Living With Eternal Intentionality®

But as we unpack the items, we also unpack a part of our lives from within that corner of our hearts—Traditions. Traditions create warmth and cohesiveness to a family’s fabric.

Over the five decades of our marriage, Larry and I collected festive expressions from around us. With the passing of time, obviously, we kept some, culled others. But what remains is our own representation of the European cultures and international communities where God called us to reside. Now, along with the contents of the basement boxes, we have accumulated a treasure trove of traditions that have stood the test of time. Here are 10 of our favorites.

Our Favorite Christmas Decoration to Unpack

The German Pyramid: Standing several feet high, the candlelit decoration creates an ambiance beyond belief.

Our Favorite Story to Read

The Other Wiseman: Oh my, this novel by Henry van Dyke makes a literary contribution to our Christmas Eve that stirs each listener. And the children’s version is a must for younger attention spans.

Our Favorite Beverage to Sip

Hot apple juice enhanced with Aspen Mulling Spices

Our Favorite Meal to Anticipate

Raclette: Invented in Switzerland, this is a delicious cheese-based meal conducive to holiday conversation.

Our Favorite Dishes to Enjoy

The Waechtersbach collection from our many years of living in Germany, red plates and mugs with a green Christmas tree in the center

Our Favorite Quirky Tradition to Honor

Christmas Adam: Setting apart December 23rd as a holiday in and of itself. After all, Adam came before Eve and the 24th is Christmas Eve!

Our Favorite Christmas Morning Tradition to Uphold

Stockings and cinnamon rolls: The delight of stockings filled with tiny surprises floods my heart with joy. And the yummy baked delicacies are a crowd-pleaser for everyone as they sit and listen to Larry (aka Dad and Granddaddy) read the beautiful Christmas Story from Luke 2:1-20.

Our Favorite Memory to Forget

The first empty-nest-Christmas: Rather than unpack the memories of lives no longer living under our roof in Budapest, I decided to try something new and decorate the entire tree with only the heavenly hosts. Bad idea.

Our Favorite Tradition to Offer as a Wedding Gift

A box of ornaments collected over the years to present to each adult child as they married and set out to celebrate the first Christmas in their own newly established home.

Our Favorite Tradition to Toss

The idea that everything must be done every year: The most meaningful tradition is always celebrating the birth of Jesus; as long as this tradition is front and center, enough is enough.

Now, blessings to you and yours as you move forward in creating your own collection of Christmas traditions!

Living With Eternal Intentionality®

“And this is eternal life, that they may know You the only true God, and Jesus Christ

whom You have sent” (John 17:3).

What tradition makes you look forward to celebrating Christmas?