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Join Candice and Me for a Conversation Over Dinner

Meet my friend Candice—vibrant, fun-loving, generous, and loyal. Like a treasured antique, our relationship is a classic, which has withstood the test of time (and geography). Trains, trunks, boxes, suitcases, and moving vans have transported both our families across the globe in different directions. Thankfully, our friendship has survived the chaos of transitions.

Whenever possible, Candice and I relish the opportunity for a visit. Picking up right where we last left off, she and I launch headlong into heart-to-heart sharing.

On one particular evening, she and I sat for one of our marathon dinners. Sensing the gravity of her topic, I put my fork down and gave her 100% focus.

I am overwhelmed at a recent occurrence God brought about in my life.
— Candice Holtz

“I am overwhelmed at a recent occurrence God brought about in my life. Recently, while sitting at a traffic light, I turned my head and noticed a sad sight; a poor woman walked down the sidewalk pushing a grocery cart.”

“Since this was not an area of poverty, her presence stood in stark contrast to her surroundings. Though I pitied her, I pulled away when the light changed and distanced myself from the sight of the poor woman. At least I thought I did.”

“Into the next few blocks, the Holy Spirit began speaking to me. He made it clear that I was to stop, interrupt my busy day, turn around, and go back to that woman. Sensing that the Lord offered no option for me to wiggle out of, I returned, parked my car, and located the woman who had by now rested on a bench.”

Without fanfare, I pulled out several bills and offered them to her. She looked up at me and said, ‘I didn’t ask you for money.’ ‘I know,’ I said, ‘but the Lord told me to give it to you. In the name of Jesus I offer you this.’
— Candice Holtz

“Without fanfare, I pulled out several bills and offered them to her. She looked up at me and said, ‘I didn’t ask you for money.’ ‘I know,’ I said, ‘but the Lord told me to give it to you. In the name of Jesus I offer you this.’ She hesitantly pulled her hand from her ragged coat pocket and took the cash. I smiled at her, turned, and walked away. Though I regularly drive past that bench, I have never seen her again.”

I sensed that Candice was not done. After pausing to take a swallow of water, she continued.

“I am so excited to share this story with you, Debby, because the episode was totally from the Lord. This was so unlike me. I don’t consider myself to be very compassionate, and normally I wouldn’t have taken the time to be bothered about such a woman.”

Continuing through tears, my friend said, “I truly see Jesus working in my life, softening my heart, and making me more compassionate. I am so excited to see that He is changing me.”

What a story! This incredible example, lifted from the pages of life, displays authentic ongoing growth in Christ.

For a Child of God, growth is the godly, intentional pursuit of Christ-likeness. This spiritual dynamic takes place when we grant the Holy Spirit access to every area of our lives. He involves people; He incorporates community to move us toward His desired outcome.

Candice, thank you for allowing us to see the Holy Spirit at work through your vulnerable, motivational example.

Living With Eternal Intentionality®

“He has also set eternity in the human heart” (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

God longs to make us more like Jesus. “For those God foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son” (Romans 8:29a). In your life, what does growth look like?

How do we know if we are, in fact, growing in “the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18)?

Where do you see yourself, like Candice, growing in Christ-likeness?

Consider making a dinner reservation in the near future to discuss the topic with a dear friend.