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Are You Living in Vain?

My own personal mission statement, Living With Eternal Intentionality®, motivates every corpuscle in my being. Since God first etched this clarion call on my heart, this theme orders my thinking, my planning—my very life. So, when a gifted teacher elaborates on the topic so precious to me, I listen. Will you join me in considering what life truly means for a Follower of Jesus?

From Paul David Tripp in New Morning Mercies, 5 eternity-driven realities emerge. He says,

1. We declare that we believe in forever, yet we live as if this is all there is.

2. This contradiction between our belief system and our daily living cannot work.

3. You cannot make any sense out of the Christian life without eternity. (1 Corinthians 15)

4. You and I have been hardwired for eternity. In the middle of your sadness, there is celebration because you have read the final chapter.

5. So, you get up every morning and give yourself to doing the things that God says are good, because if grace has put eternity in your future, there’s nothing you could ever do in God’s name that is in vain.

So, for you and me, the challenge becomes connecting the then with the now, doesn’t it? How can we more progressively give our daily selves to the quest of Living With Eternal Intentionality? May God grant us traction as we, His pilgrims, move forward together. What a joy to journey with you. And, No! We are NOT living in vain!

Living With Eternal Intentionality®

“He has also placed eternity in human hearts” (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

In quiet moments, do you wonder why you are here on this earth? Have you ever asked yourself:

“Does my life matter?”

“Am I living in vain?”

Take time this next week and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in writing out your own personal mission statement. When you do, I would be honored to read a copy.