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Real Me? No Way!


“Will the real person please stand up?”

To Tell the Truth, with its mystery and intrigue, works fine for television entertainment, but not for real life. The show captures the attention of anyone interested in drama and suspense. But in real life, especially in relationships, such mystique produces unsavory results.

Authenticity stands out as a rare commodity in today’s culture. Our world pressures us to hide mistakes, cover up faults, conceal weaknesses, and hedge on shortcomings. Lacking the confidence to relax in our own skin causes us to go into overdrive to create a perceived image and manufacture a false caricature. As we form habits to perform and pretend, the unsavory results push others away. The person we take to the office (or church or school or book club) may or may not be who we truly are and, most importantly—who God created us to be.

The enemy of authenticity resides in phoniness, hypocrisy, insincerity, misrepresentation of details, deceptiveness, and half-truths. Furthermore, the driving engine behind each manifestation is fear—fear to be me for fear you won’t like me.

On the other hand, authenticity flows freely from the individual who is grounded in security and anchored in significance, security, and significance which only Jesus can provide. When we accept God’s version of ourselves, we relax and celebrate newfound freedom. From this secure platform of stability, vulnerability flows freely and, we quietly soar to the heights of loving and serving others as an anointed mission in life.

With all my heart, I believe that God created us to bless, not impress. And, the intent to bless begins with authenticity.
— Debby Thompson

Living With Eternal Intentionality®

“. . . I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness” (Jeremiah 31:3).

Upon reflection, complete these two statements:

“Authenticity is _______________________.”

“Authenticity is not ____________________.”

After personal assessment, where can you celebrate personal growth in authenticity?