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The Best Vacation I Ever Took

Each mile driving down the interstate brought us closer to the airport and the lift-off to a gift vacation.

Each mile driving down the interstate brought us closer to the airport and the lift-off to a gift vacation.

The mistake was innocent. Each mile driving down the interstate brought us closer to the airport and the lift-off to a gift vacation. Our beloved family invited us to join them on holiday, and after all the months of COVID lockdown, it felt like someone just opened the back door and said, “Now you can go outside and play.” WOW!

Mindlessly, I opened my email to give one last swoosh through my inbox before taking the nine-day hiatus. Bummer. Glaring back at me was one particularly crummy message. This did not feel like a welcomed send-off for fun in the sun.

Once at the terminal, we schlepped the bags onto the conveyor belt, and I shoved the email message aside. However, on-site at our glorious location, in the quiet middle of the night, the unwanted message started flashing like a red alarm bell in the halls of my head.

  • Perfect gift

  • Perfect vacation

  • Perfect location

  • Perfect timing

  • Imperfect email

At this nocturnal moment, the snarly email commandeered an upper hand in the labyrinth of my brain, and the power of the message threatened to derail a perfectly splendid week provided by The Hand of God.

Then, unannounced—in that oversized luxurious bed—the Holy Spirit stepped in and took over my mental inbox, and with one simple sentence disarmed the power of the problem: “Take a vacation from worry.”


“Take a vacation from worry.”

This message was precisely what I needed to hear. Leave it alone; lay it aside; don’t bother with it right now. The anointed instruction made complete sense and with divine mercy, He gave me back my joy, my peace, and my contentment. In fact, His supernatural wisdom gave me back my vacation—the vacation He intended me to enjoy.

In the days to follow, whether picking up seashells, floating in the pool, or reeling in a whopper, each time the email content attempted to gain recognition, I heard again the still small Voice of the Holy Spirit reminding me, “Take a vacation from worry; Take a vacation from worry; Take a vacation from worry.”

Wow- that is the best vacation I ever took.

Living With Eternal Intentionality®

“Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way” (2Thes.3:16).

The power of nighttime thinking must be placed under the control of the Holy Spirit, no matter where we are. When has He intervened for you in just the perfect, peaceful manner?