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Irresistible Intimacy

Like a starving soul desperate for a meal, I devoured the Word of God. Intimacy with Jesus is the all-time greatest game-changer the journey of life has to offer.

Like a starving soul desperate for a meal, I devoured the Word of God. Intimacy with Jesus is the all-time greatest game-changer the journey of life has to offer.

During the spiritually heady days of the 1970s, Jesus was a relevant topic of conversation on my university campus. And while I longed to introduce Him to my classmates, sorority sisters, and professors, I desperately longed to know Him in a deeply personal manner, to pursue a relationship characterized by closeness.

In the midst of that culturally tumultuous academic setting, morning after morning, sitting in the quietness of my dorm room, I opened a small volume of Psalms and Proverbs, turned to the assigned day, and began to read. With pen in hand, I underlined words, phrases that seemed to be written just for me. Like a starving soul desperate for a meal, I devoured the Word of God. This engaging time of fellowship with Jesus set the course for my day; what I did not realize—this endeavor was setting the trajectory for a lifetime.

Since then, God has taken me on a geographical journey I never dreamed possible, and He has walked with me on a spiritual journey I never dreamed would be so sweet. His Message for “out there” has continually daily brought His Message “right here.”

You might say, “Well, that might work for monks and nuns and pastors—or for those who breathe rarified air—but not for me.” Granted, an authentic friendship with God Almighty might feel like one more item on an already daunting to-do list. However, in a world that starves for authentic relationships, this offer is real. I promise.

Between that dorm room in 1970 and this desk in 2021, 51 years stand to prove that an intimate, close relationship with Jesus is, indeed, possible.

In today’s COVID-dominated, conflict-saturated existence, mega-busy dominates the agenda. 2021 humans lead:

Full lives

Crowded lives

Exhausted lives

Hassled lives and

Hurried lives

But does “maxed out” make our decisions for us? No. That privilege still belongs to you and me. In the smack-dab-middle of the whirlwind of our:

Full lives . . .

Crowded lives . . .

Exhausted lives . . .

Hassled lives . . .

Hurried lives . . .

Jesus extends an invitation to intimacy:

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30).

An RSVP to this offer becomes the game-changer for all life.

Living With Eternal Intentionality®

What do you think when you read Matthew 11: 28-30?

Does an authentic relationship with Jesus sound too good to be true?

What is one step you can take to discover His incredible offer for you?