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Cranberry Orange Relish

Cranberry Orange Relish

When a trusted friend offers you her trusted recipe, you take it and head to the store, don’t you? That was my response upon receiving my friend Mary Lu’s Cranberry Orange Relish. The recipe is colorful, easy to make, and a delightful addition to a holiday buffet.


1 package fresh cranberries (Yes, I prefer Ocean Spray.)

2 oranges

1 apple (the reddest you can find; any variety works nicely)

1 cup of sugar

1 cup of pecans


Slice the oranges and the apple into wedges; remove the seeds, but don’t remove the peelings

Rinse the cranberries

Then, using a food processor, pour the cranberries in first and add the sugar.

Once the ingredients are combined, add the oranges and the apple.

Pulse the food processor until the ingredients are nicely mixed.

Add the nuts and pulse again

Refrigerate until ready to serve

Place on the buffet in your favorite crystal bowl

Can be made a couple of days in advance

Behind the Cupboard Door

Mary Lu is a wonderful person that my daughter brought into my life. Though Mary Lu is closer to my age, the two of them were already friends! Kindly enough, they moved over and allowed me to join them in friendship.

Mary Lu acts as hostess and manager at The Downing House in Denver and has the capacity to serve guests in small group Bible studies as well as in large gatherings such as fundraisers and outdoor picnics. Her love for Jesus and her winsome smile, combined with her culinary expertise, make her presence in any situation beyond amazing.

This Christmas season, don’t hesitate to give this Cranberry Orange Relish to neighbors or confidently take it to a party as a gift for the hostess. In so doing, you will foster the warmth and hospitality of my beloved friend Mary Lu!