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70 Aha's Gleaned From 7 Decades


Excitement mounts within me as I prepare, on September 17th, to celebrate my 70th birthday. From Psalm 145:7 comes my God-given, heartfelt theme:

They will celebrate His abundant goodness.”

With joy, I offer 70 Aha’s Gleaned From 7 Decades … lessons for living life to the full—fully alive.

  1. Give everything—anything, each thing, all things—to Jesus.

  2. Make daily, private worship an unequivocal commitment.

  3. Choose the right spouse, no compromise; wait as long as it takes for God’s best.

  4. Devote yourself to being a student of the Scriptures. Love the Word of God—read it, study it, memorize it, meditate upon it, talk about it, devour it. Within its Pages rest the keys for vibrant living.

  5. Continually yield to the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit within your being.

  6. Make family a priority.

  7. Love people! Listen to people, learn from people, live life alongside of people.

  8. Develop the heart habit of being a grateful person.

  9. Honor the simple components of life: eat correctly (enjoy splurges), exercise regularly, sleep sufficiently.

  10. Recognize that hard places are holy places.

  11. Remember: Jesus is so sweet and pain is an incredible teacher.

  12. Never forget, you can’t out give God.

  13. Pray big.

  14. Share the Gospel.

  15. Learn to embrace life on two levels, sorrowful, yet rejoicing.

  16. Go where God wants you to go; stay away from any place God wants you to avoid.

  17. Let it go! When an unpleasantness threatens to set up housekeeping within you, let it go. Release it and refuse to give it a life.

  18. Be a learner.

  19. Cultivate a life value for ongoing personal growth.

  20. Live life looking for the next hill to climb.

  21. Consciously counter complaining with praise. In everything give thanks. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

  22. Be a reader.

  23. Send flowers to your mother on your birthday.

  24. Invest in friendships across a broad spectrum of ages.

  25. Keep a journal.

  26. Choose your media wisely.

  27. Rebound quickly.

  28. Say “yes” whenever you can.

  29. Remember, “No” is a complete sentence.

  30. If in doubt, don’t say it, don’t take it, don’t do it.

  31. Be generous.

  32. Continually ask God to bring every area of your life into harmony with His Word.

  33. Belong to a small group.

  34. Enjoy the ritual of Afternoon Tea.

  35. Savor the sunrise and the sunset.

  36. Remember, It’s amazing what praising can do.

  37. Guard your heart, your mind, your tongue, your eyes.

  38. Take the initiative; this is always the right thing to do.

  39. Honor simple everyday habits: call your mother, floss your teeth, make your bed.

  40. Learn to play a sport.

  41. Transition with grace through each season of life.

  42. Give heed to the voice of pain—physical, spiritual, and emotional.

  43. Refuse to be bitter.

  44. Learn to speak a language other than your own.

  45. Be quick to extend forgiveness—to others and to yourself.

  46. Remember, the Bible is not just a good suggestion.

  47. Be quick to pray the prayer that always gets answered: “Thy will be done.”

  48. Value the significance of hard work.

  49. Enjoy each season as the calendar changes.

  50. Learn to knit.

  51. Be eager to celebrate another’s success.

  52. Give your undivided attention, whether speaking with a prince or a pauper.

  53. Always Start where you stand.

  54. Develop a fascination for the weather.

  55. Accept your weaknesses as fertile soil for God’s strength.

  56. At some point in your life: own a dog, sing in a choir, go on a camp out, teach Sunday School, paint a picture, volunteer in a hospital, visit the Grand Canyon.

  57. Be hospitable.

  58. Learn to laugh at yourself.

  59. Take advantage of cultural opportunities: theatre, opera, symphonies, museums.

  60. Get an annual physical.

  61. Don’t be afraid to change your mind.

  62. Delight in spontaneity.

  63. Be in tune with the attributes of God.

  64. Never forget, Life does not consist in an abundance of possessions (Luke 12:15).

  65. Nurture lifelong friendships.

  66. Seek to be a person of love, a person of joy, a person of peace.

  67. Realize that broken is beautiful.

  68. Insist on stillness within your life of activity.

  69. Enjoy flowers; buy them for yourself, buy them for others.

  70. Celebrate birthdays!

Devote yourself to Living With Eternal Intentionality®; invest in God, God’s Word, and people, for only these will last forever.

“Not to us, LORD, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness” (Psalm 115:1).