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Holy Ground at the End of My Sidewalk


YES! Larry is back.

Day 14 dawned, and my husband emerged from #Radicalisolation a weak, but joyful man! Glad to be alive, he wanted his coffee. God be praised; the worst was behind us.

Now, as we move forward, with the rest of our pandemic-stricken globe, I take a story with me:

The Story of the Flowers

One evening, as I disinfected the kitchen counter, conversation with the Lord flowed. My long day was finally over; as a weary caregiver, I relished the thought of crawling in bed and to read a few pages before turning out my lights.

Aware of His presence, I talked to Jesus about the flowers.

“Lord, I long to have flowers. I yearn for the beauty and color they bring. But, I can’t leave the house to go buy them. Would you please speak to someone and have them bring flowers—from the store, from their yard—it matters not … just flowers? Would You do this?”

My love for flowers runs deep; I savor the simple quiet beauty they bring. Particularly now, in our home battling sickness, their absence created an ache.

You probably know where this is going.

The next day, another in the drawn out stretch of disease fighting days, I received a phone call from a friend. “Debby, I would like to drop off food for you. I have homemade potpies, and I have soup. Would that help?”

The thought brought tears to my eyes, and I responded, “What a kind gesture. Oh, yes! This would meet a huge need. Thank you so much.”

Sure enough, within the hour, an abundant food supply appeared at the end of my sidewalk. The offering included enough soup to feed an army, and a supply of potpies to rival the best chefs in the land.

But that is not all.

On top of the food rested—not one, but two—bouquets of flowers, pink tulips and white tulips.

One bouquet came from the store,


The other bouquet came from her yard.

My thoughtful friend served without knowing about my heartfelt plea to Jesus the night before: “Would You please speak to someone and have them bring flowers—from the store, from their yard—it matters not … just flowers? Would You do this?” But she brought a glorious answer to prayer on His behalf.


I stood breathless at the end of my sidewalk, aware that I stood on holy ground … my Savior, my flowers, and me. Thank you, Sweet Jesus. “Out of the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another” (John1:16). On this day, the fullness of His grace spelled F-L-O-W-E-R-S.

Living With Eternal Intentionality®

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4 ESV).

“And my God shall supply all of your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).

What does His grace spell for you today?

What story of His provision amidst COVID-19 will you take forward?