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A Golden Opportunity on a Golden Anniversary


Excitement filled the air as we climbed the stairs to the restaurant’s upper level. This spring evening marked the 50th Golden Wedding Anniversary celebration for our dear friends. Larry and I had known this couple for 42 of those years, and we were asked to conduct an interview with the honorees for the invited guests. We wondered, “What constituted ‘together’ for their 18, 250 days?”

In this season when weddings stack up on our calendars, it feels magical to turn the spotlight on a triumphant marriage of fifty years, five decades of living life side by side, hand in hand.

Below are the questions we thoughtfully—prayerfully—crafted for the husband and wife. A second list exists, but, due to time, these were eliminated beforehand. Still, they may be useful to you should you have the occasion to interact with such a couple.

50th Golden Wedding Anniversary Questions

1. How did you meet?

2. When did you first know you were in love?

3. Describe the proposal.

4. What details do you remember from your wedding day?

5. Who has been the most influential (human) person in contributing to the longevity of your marriage?

6. What was the most surprising discovery about your spouse—after you were already married—a characteristic that you did not care for?

7. How has being in ministry played a factor in your marriage?

8. Which decade was your hardest and why?

9. Which decade was your most meaningful and why?

10. Speak to your challenges: What has been the greatest challenge you faced in your marriage?

11. What has been your greatest blessing?

12. What shared habits have contributed to the richness of your marriage?

13. What is the bottom line, best advice, you have to offer newly weds today?

Supplementary Questions

Where did you go on your honeymoon? Have you since revisited the location?

How many moves have you made, and how have these affected your marriage?

Did you ever feel, “Oh no! I am not sure our marriage is going to make it.” If so, when?

What communication habits have helped and which have harmed?

Which location was your favorite to call home? Why?

What have you been afraid of in your marriage?

What subjects cause the most disagreements? Do you have topics you refuse to discuss because you will never agree?

What would you like to go back and do over?

How have you resolved conflict in your marriage?

What prayer and devotional habits do you have as a couple?

Living With Eternal Intentionality®

“Teach us to number our days that we may present to You a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12 NASB).

“Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things” (I Corinthians 13:4-7 NASB).

1. What question would you like to ask a couple married for 50 years?

2. Do you know a couple married for 50 years? If so, what have you learned from their marriage?

3. If you have been married for 50 years, congratulations! Please select a question from above and offer us your advice. We are all listening.