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What Is Your Epithet?


Have you given much thought to your epithet?

Ours is a performance oriented, pressure driven world. Do you agree? Calendars, schedules, appointments, commitments, parties, play-off's all compete for focus and rudely crowd out peace.

I recall a particular season of high-octane life where enough was absolutely never enough—not enough hours in a day, not enough days in a week, not enough weeks in a month. Before one meeting ended, the next began. Before the suitcase was unpacked from one journey, I was off on the next. My calendar’s appetite seemed insatiable. You get the picture. This relentless urgency showed no mercy.

Taking my exhaustion and bewilderment to the Lord, I discovered an oasis in Mark 14:8a. She did what she could. Did I read that correctly? She did what she could.

The Voice of Grace penetrated my thinking and permeated my soul with a Word of supernatural refreshment.

She did what she could. Acceptance

She did what she could. Approval

She did what she could. Affirmation

Pleasing the Savior is the supreme priority for any woman; worshipping Him is the ultimate activity for any century and culture.

Wow! What a relief…I want this to be my epithet. She did what she could.

Living With Eternal Intentionality

How would you like your epithet to read?