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This One's for You

Thank you! In the waning hours of 2015, I am writing to you.

Over the last 365 days, I have traveled to Budapest, Brazil, Istanbul, and beyond. But my longest and most challenging journey, by far, has been a very personal one. Thank you for being a traveling companion with me on this sojourn.

Regularly, I have traveled out the door of my bedroom, across the hall, and into my office. I have closed the door, hung my "Please respect my privacy; I am on the phone to Paris" needlepoint sign on the doorknob. I have sat at my antique roll top desk, and I have opened my Apple computer. Here, right here, I have traveled to a destination previously dreamed of but never dared. Last October, GPS for the Wife of a Leader became a viable functioning blog. The journey is far from over, but here is a trip report.

Background of this Blogger

Began as a nightmare
Blogging did not start out as a dream. It started more like a nightmare. I could not fathom becoming one more voice in the existing chorus of babbling bloggers. Did you know that there are 46 million bloggers in the world? One NPR report actually estimates there are 640 million! I loathed the thought of becoming just-one-more. This firewall of fear had to be faced.

Born out of failure
My real dream is to see my fully completed manuscript become a book. It is s l o w to happen. To date, I have received 12 (or is it 16) rejections to my book proposal. This is a true definition of failure. But to be honest, if the book were already published, I would never have started blogging. However, in this holding pattern of waiting, I have discovered the open runway of blogging. So, while my agent Les continues to present my book proposal to publishers, I blog.

Surrounded by the best
Dave Perlow. I am forever indebted to David Perlow of Digital Strategies with Athletes in Action. He believed in my dream. Did you read that? He believed in my dream. With cheerful expertise, he patiently guided this Baby Boomer through the maze of blogging in today's digital age.

Dave was right there with me in October in Larry’s conference room when I said, “Ok, I am ready. There is no reason to delay any longer.”

We prayed, and then I hit, for the first time, that daunting word P O S T. Oh my. I felt like I had just christened a ship on her maiden voyage into the turbulent, public, unseen waters of cyber sea. 

Blessed beyond my wildest imagination
Recently, I had a conversation with my daughter Anne Coleman regarding this new area of personal development. She said, “Mom, I really like your blog. I really do.” That compliment spoke volumes to me. With emotion, I mused, and told her, “You know, I never set out to become a blogger. I did not major in journalism, and I don’t really know what I am doing. Truth be told, I am on a very steep learning curve. But you know…I have to admit, “When I write, I feel His pleasure.”

But I would be nothing without you
You! You have read what I have written. You have commented and critiqued. You have connected, and, to my amazement, you have come back for more. So this blog post today is for you. Thank you that in October you launched with me into this whole new realm. Thank you that for 13 (!) posts you have engaged in this new adventure. 

You and I started with The Silk Corsage, and last week we ended with The Other Wise Man. Interspersed has been the series We Went Through Fire and Water. I sense that you are with me on this growth journey, and I am deeply grateful. This gratitude intervention is from my heart to let you know that you and God are the reason I blog. 

I care about you, I really do. I know that you love the Lord and you want desperately to walk with Him. I know that you live in a world that strives to strip you of every piece of confidence and worth within. Well, by God’s grace, in the power of the Holy Spirit, we are not going to let that happen. I am here to help as we march into 2016. We are a Team, you and I, and you have a deep bench. Bless you, my dear friend. And, again, thank you

As we squarely look toward this New Year 2016, my prayer of blessing is from Numbers 6:24-26:

“The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift His countenance upon you and give you peace.” Amen