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Midsummer Night's Fun!

In celebration of National Ice Cream Day!

Summertime Pajama Ride!

With bodies bathed, dinner finished, and the table cleared, everyone assumes they are now off to sleep. But suddenly — out of nowhere — a ringing bell hijacks the bedtime routine with the announcement: Summertime Pajama Ride! Amid raucous laughter, we tumble into the car. Time stops, and we harness the opportunity to take our pajama-clad grandchildren around the corner to our favorite ice cream shop, Graeter’s.

Choosing the flavor, selecting the cone, and sitting outside on the bench feels magical. Our troupe embraces the unique moment of togetherness with simple questions like, What did you choose? Do you like it? Want a taste of mine?

Whimsically, part of us longs for this scene to last forever, this season of bare feet, wiggly toes, braces, and braids. And a time when going out in pajamas is still ok. (Is this part of what God meant in Ecclesiastes 3:1, “To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.”? I wonder.)

Too soon, twinkling stars emerge, and we lick crumbs off sticky fingers. The clock chimes on the nearby fire station, telling us that we must step back into reality. But now reality is laced with significance because of our Midsummer Night’s Fun. When the days grow short and the nights grow long, I want our Grand-Darlings to snuggle under their covers with a memory of this night when we tossed routine aside and gave spontaneity a place in our summer priorities.

Living With Eternal Intentionality®

“And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent” (John 17:3).

How about you? What is a summer moment that you harness to make a memory? Please tell us; we would all love to hear.

And be sure to honor National Ice Cream Day with a friend, niece, or nephew, at your favorite ice cream shop!

Click here for a further explanation of National Ice Cream Day, the day set aside to commemorate America’s favorite dessert.

Tribute to a Mentor

“And back in April, we lost Charles Stanley.” While waiting in the carpool line to pick up my grandson from middle school, the voice of the local Christian radio announcer made a matter-of-fact statement. Immediately, sadness, confusion, and loss swirled inside of me as I inched forward in the stop-and-go traffic. What? How can this be? Earth lost a warrior, Heaven gained a saint, and I gave up a mentor. And I did not even know.

Since the day of that abrupt announcement, a desire to pay tribute to this precious man has stirred around inside of me. I owe him much. Countless times over more than four decades, Dr. Stanley’s teaching strengthened me to remain faithful to God’s call on my life. His love for Jesus and commitment to His Word reached across an ocean to minister to me in supernatural ways. So, in honor of this man, I have selected 10 of his Life Principles to share with you. The complete list of 30 is available here: The Life Principles.

30 Life Principles to Live By

Charles F. Stanley

  1. Our intimacy with God — His highest priority for our lives — determines the impact of our lives.

  2. Obey God and leave the all the consequences with Him.

  3. Fight your battles on your knees and you win every time.

  4. If necessary, God will move heaven and earth to show us His will.

  5. Brokenness is God’s requirement for maximum usefulness.

  6. Disappointments are inevitable; discouragement is a choice.

  7. You can never outgive God.

  8. Prayer is life’s greatest time saver.

  9. We learn more in our valley experiences than we do in our mountaintops.

  10. An eager anticipation of the Lord’s return keeps us living productively.

Living With Eternal Intentionality®

“And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent” (John 17:3).

Which of the Life Principles speaks to you?


Fudge Pie for the 4th of July

A big birthday waits just around the corner. July 4th, the mid-summer U.S. holiday, distinguishes itself with picnics, parades, patriotism, fireworks, family, and food. If you find yourself asking, "What am I going to take to the feast on the 4th?”, consider baking this Fudge Pie for the dessert table; it is simple and simply delicious.                                                

                            Fudge Pie for the 4th of July


1 ½ cups sugar

2 ½ T. cocoa

½ stick butter, melted

2 eggs, beaten

2 t. vanilla

¼ t. salt

1 small 5 oz. can of evaporated milk

1 unbaked pie shell


Melt the butter and set aside

Beat the eggs and set aside

In a separate bowl, mix together the sugar, cocoa, and salt; remove any lumps

Stir vanilla into the can of evaporated milk; add eggs, then add butter

Slowly pour wet ingredients into dry ingredients and stir vigorously (If you prefer, mix for 30 seconds with an electric mixer.)

Pour into a pie shell that has been pricked and briefly baked. Place on a cookie sheet and bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Serve warm or room temperature, but definitely with ice cream.

Then say, Ahhhh…

Living With Eternal Intentionality®

“And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent” (John 17:3).

What is your preferred dish to take to a 4th of July celebration?

Do you have a favorite pie recipe you could share with us?

[Sharing a recipe is a joy for me; long ago, the Lord prompted me to add this request: “Would you please pray for me when you make this recipe?”]