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Healthy Living Habits For Today

Guest Post by DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills

Healthy habits for today begins with a positive attitude toward diet and exercise. Just because we are getting older doesn’t mean we sit in a rocking chair and wait for life to end. There’s too much of life to explore! We seize each moment with sound nutrition and an active lifestyle that keeps our minds and bodies performing like well-oiled machines.

When I was fifteen years old, I decided to take care of my body for the long haul. I’d been a chubby child and faced all the ridicule that went with it. Educating myself on what my body needed to maintain a healthy weight meant eating to live, not living to eat. My decision to take care of myself highlighted rising early and exercising before the school bus arrived. Those habits have stayed with me for several decades. I believe my body is the temple of God, and I’m a steward of His holy gift (1 Corinthians 6:19.)

If we are motivated to get healthy and stay healthy, it’s not too late to embark upon a lifestyle that gives us purpose and meaning. Perhaps a goal is to shed a few unwanted pounds, or an illness may have snatched extra weight we need to add back to our body. Even if we’ve never considered our food intake or activity, this post may open our eyes.

Before moving forward:

• Check with your doctor and discuss expectations.

• Request blood work to make sure your body is in fine shape.

• Ask your doctor for vitamin and supplement recommendations.

• Plan a sensible diet and exercise plan.

• Enlist an accountability partner.

• Purchase the proper equipment/shoes for the activity.

• Subscribe to a respected online website that focuses on health care for the aging.

Food choices

Our bodies thrive on fruits, vegetables, dairy, protein, and whole grains. Simple, but when we add extra fat, salt, sugar, and carbohydrates, our bodies will rebel over time and not in ways we enjoy. We are what we eat. Choose wisely.

If we are diabetic, gluten-free, or have other health issues that limit our intake, that’s okay. We choose or substitute foods to keep us feeling good and ensure our medical reports shine. Deliberately eating or drinking things that make us feel badly isn’t wise.

Sodium can be a killer. Literally. Our saltshakers are not the worst problem. Consuming processed foods and eating out adds far more sodium than is healthy at any age. Cutting back can be as easy as cooking from proven recipes and limiting restaurants to special occasions. However, some organic and whole foods eateries are selective in the preservatives that enhance their dishes.

Some people have never experienced a weight problem and saw no reason to educate themselves on what goes into their bodies. Now is the time to take notice. Take the time to read product labels and recipes for a huge nutritional payoff with dividends that money can’t buy.

It’s okay to be picky, and I fall under that category. I don’t care for the taste of a huge list of foods: beets, milk, egg yolks, red meat, white bread, white rice, potatoes, watermelon, or any kind of melon, to name a few. Weird, I know. But I can find the nutrients my body requires in multiple ways. I never met a green vegetable I didn’t like. Nut butters are my friend. My point is, make choices that suit your tastes and cause the nutritionist to smile.

Detoxing and/or intermittent fasting have proven to help the body’s overall function. If this is of interest in your new diet regimen, consult with your doctor before embarking on a habit that could be potentially harmless.


The average adult body contains approximately 60% water, and as we get older, the percentage decreases. Lean muscle contains more water than fat, making water a sensible alternative to sugary or artificially sweetened beverages. When we don’t have enough water, we’re tired and can be plagued with headaches. Don’t forget that fresh produce contains a lot of water, so your body is happy and healthy.

Balance is the key to living well and enjoying life.

Denying ourselves an occasional treat can cause a grumpy person who forgot the pleasure of licking an ice cream cone on the hottest day of the year. Or blowing out the candles on a birthday cake and taking a swipe of frosting.

Vitamins and minerals are nuggets of gold.

Big tip! Vitamins and minerals do not add to our life span. But they can add to quality of life. The best source of supplements is in food, but that isn’t always possible. Also, the extra nuggets of power we took when we were younger should change as we age. Our bones become more brittle, and calcium and vitamin D help slow down the process and fight osteoporosis. Stress is another factor in which supplements like vitamin B can aid in appropriate mental and emotional processing.

Selecting the vitamin and mineral brands can be a dilemma. Do we choose the least expensive or the most expensive? Choose the brand that eliminates or has few preservatives and extras not needed by the body. Always check with your doctor or nutritionist about what is best and inquire about potential side effects. Taking too many or the wrong vitamins and minerals can do more harm.

How do I choose the right exercise?

Some of us have exercise limitations that curb our type or level of activity. Limitations do not mean conditioning our bodies is prohibited; it simply means we understand our restrictions and find alternatives.

I believe varying what we do in our activities is a plus for our bodies. Walking may be your favorite form of exercise, and you have walking buds to join you. That makes the activity fun. I’m a fan of hiking. Grabbing a helmet and pedaling around the neighborhood may give you the extra boost your body needs. Wonderful. Some prefer a gym with a person who coaches members—now I’m jealous.

Various forms of exercise are available, no matter our age or disability. Determination and a positive attitude to change and maintain a healthy lifestyle is a win-win situation for all of us. Our God gave us bodies to move, minds to think, and food to maintain physical and mental health.

Are you ready to get started?

Living With Eternal Intentionality®

“And this is eternal life, that they may know You the only true God, and Jesus Christ

whom You have sent” (John 17:3).

As we consider the thoughts presented in this guest post, what stands out to you?

What is one change you believe God wants you to make in your habits that will lead to better health?

DiAnn Mills is a bestselling author who believes her readers should expect an adventure. Her titles have appeared on the CBA and ECPA bestseller lists; won two Christy Awards; the Inspirational Readers’ Choice, and Carol award contests. She says, “We’ve all been given gifts and talents to further the kingdom of God. Don’t let them go to waste. Develop your skills and reach out to grasp that which God has purposed for you.”

diannmills.com https://www.facebook.com/diannmills x.com/diannmills diannmills.com/articles bookbub.com/authors/diann-mills

Lost Skill, Be Still

Be Still. Are You Kidding?

The notion of stillness runs countercultural to our beings as motion pulsates all around. Life incessantly moves at a feverish pace and in order to keep up we just keep at it. In the slightest moment of pause, we grab the iphone or remote or device. Do you agree?

For a nanosecond, let’s Be Still and lean in to this reality.

Secular Consideration

Melissa Kirsch of the New York Times writes in Why We Can’t Stop Rushing, “We rush because we’re late. We also rush because we want to move quickly away from discomfort. We rush to come up with solutions to problems that would benefit from more sustained consideration. We rush into obligations or decisions or relationships because we want things settled.

Worrying is a kind of rushing: It’s uncomfortable to sit in a state of uncertainty, so we fast-forward the tape, accelerating our lives past the present moment into fearsome imagined scenarios. . . . This obsession with being done with things, of living life like an endless to-do list, is ridiculous.”

Scriptural Instruction

Yet, Scripture whispers a different trajectory. When we find ourselves amping up over a mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, financial, professional, relational heartache or headache, the Bible speaks two little words into our churning: “Be Still.”

Be Still. “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still” (Exodus 14:14).

I’m Fighting a Battle You’ve Already Won (Shane & Shane)

Be Still. “Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him” (Psalm 37:7).

Be Still (Hillsong Worship)

Be Still. “Be still and know that I am God” (Isaiah 46:10).

Be Still and Know (Rosemary Siemens)

Supernatural Outcome

What potentially happens within us when we choose to Be Still?

  • We recognize the sovereignty of God.

  • We relinquish control.

  • We release expectations.

  • We actually relax.

So, for just one day, take a stand against our 21st culture and resist the urge to rush, resist the craving to control, resist the habit of hurry and rediscover the sweetness of God’s admonition, “Be Still.”

Living With Eternal Intentionality®

“And this is eternal life, that they may know You the only true God, and Jesus Christ

whom You have sent” (John 17:3).

Why is the instruction Be Still a challenge in our culture?

Which reason speaks to you from those offered by Melissa Kirsch?

What unique challenge do you face when you seek to Be Still?

How does music help you to Be Still?

What is one step can you take to implement a lifestyle that honors this life-giving admonition in Scripture?

Consider this alternate translation of Isaiah 46:10 which reads, “Let go, relax and know that I am God.” Amazing, isn’t it?

Citrus Trees Are Tricky to Grow

Guest Post by Karen Burroughs

I’d heard that citrus trees can be a bit tricky to grow – no idea why - this is Florida after all! But the price was right, so my husband and I decided to risk purchasing a little grapefruit tree. Long story short: the few leaves it came with eventually shriveled and died. It looked downright pitiful.

At the one-year mark, we cried UNCLE, admitted defeat, and pronounced the grapefruit tree dead. If it were a person, we would have conducted a funeral for it. We had learned our lesson, accepted our loss, and admitted that Citrus Trees Are Tricky to Grow.

But then, lo and behold, what should unexpectedly appear? Shiny new leaves and three tiny green things! Mercy Minerva! The tree was alive, AND we were having triplets! But then . . . the two littlest babies fell off. Sadness. But, one hardy soul hung on. It grew and grew until it became what actually looked like an adult grapefruit.

I fretted. Is it a grapefruit or a pomelo?

At that point, using my app that identifies plants, I was dismayed to learn that it was not a grapefruit tree, after all, but a pomelo tree. Boo hiss! I am not a fan of pomelo fruit.

Yet, I kept wondering, who should I trust, the garden shop or my app? I fretted. Is it a grapefruit or a pomelo? Day after day we walked by it and wondered. Then, in the fullness of time, it began to turn yellow! Team Grapefruit cheered, even though pomelos remained a possibility.

So, still, we watch and we wait. As they say, “The proof is in the pudding,” tasting it!

In the meantime, I love how this little tree and its one, lone grapefruit are becoming a rich source of "parables" for me. Verses like, "By their fruit you shall know them," or “He will be like a tree which bears fruit in its season," or “Your hands made me and formed me,” take on deeper meaning.

Overall, the most enlightening lesson is the TIME involved. Our little grapefruit is taking FOREVER to ripen! It has been hanging on to that tree for MONTHS!! I never knew the ripening process was so excruciatingly long. But why should I be surprised? Case in point: ME! I have been “maturing” or ripening on the vine (John 15) for more than a few seasons now! Some seasons have been a little dry, even a little shrively. (I don’t think that’s a word, but you get where I’m going.)

God tells us to abide in the vine. Our job is to simply stay planted – for as long as it takes – no matter the weather. He is responsible for the fruit. This grapefruit tree is just being itself – doing what trees are created to be & do. And that’s all God expects of us.

Living With Eternal Intentionality®

“And this is eternal life, that they may know You the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent” (John 17:3).

How does this verse shed light on your spiritual growth? “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)

When have you attempted to bring about spiritual growth using your own strength?

Consider a time when you tried to produce fruit living out the identity of someone else instead of abiding in the identity God uniquely created for you? What was it like?

Karen Burroughs, on staff with Cru, serves full time with Inside Out Jail Ministries to “water and fertilize” the hearts of incarcerated and trafficked women. She says, “I am humbled. Though outwardly I’m not yellowing (just wrinkling), inwardly I am renewed and invigorated in the fruit God is bearing in my life and in the lives of the women He has given me the privilege to know and serve.”