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My Designer Boots

“Oh, I love your boots! Where did you get them?”

Comments from total strangers initiate conversations when they notice my footwear. “These are my Siberian reindeer boots, and I purchased them in Siberia.”

The winter ritual of pulling out my stored boots awakens within me the memory of a mysterious land far, far away. Never did I imagine that helping to fulfill the Great Commission would take me halfway around the globe to a portion of geography shrouded in mystique. But on several occasions, from our home in Budapest, we had the privilege to visit our organization’s leaders in Siberia. Cities with names like Irkutsk, Perm, and Krasnoyarsk marked our itinerary.

To westerners, the thought of Siberia conjures up horrors against humanity.

To westerners, the thought of Siberia conjures up horrors against humanity. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, gulags, work camps, frigid temperatures, and starvation form pictures in our minds. Sadly, these descriptions are every bit as real as the statistics.

In fact, one of our Russian friends recounted to us the personal story of both his father and grandfather who were exiled to a gulag in Siberia for preaching the Gospel. Today, this beloved saint represents the first generation in his family to be able to freely share the Good News. 

These primitive tools became their only hope of survival in the subzero temperatures of this cruel terrain.

Other colleagues related stories of prisoners suffering transport for countless days in boxcars. Once they reached the middle of Siberia, they were tossed from the boxcar and given an axe and a shovel. These primitive tools became their only hope of survival in the subzero temperatures of this cruel terrain. A rare few survived and lived to tell the story. Others did not. But their legacy lives on in the citizenry populating the late twentieth century Siberia which I visited.

Today’s men and women are the descendants of thousands of Christ followers banished there decades ago.

Today’s men and women are the descendants of thousands of Christ followers banished there decades ago; there are also children and grandchildren of the political dissidents and intelligentsia, even the artistically gifted, who suffered in Stalin’s Soviet Union.

Now, for the boots.

The entrepreneurial woman at the bustling outdoor market represented the population of modern day Siberia—bright, beautiful, hospital. Her wares caught my eye, and the reindeer boots had my name on them. I had owned cowboy boots, gum boots, hiking boots, ski boots, work boots, and dress boots, but this was a first. Reindeer boots!

Delightfully, her one available pair actually fit my American foot. The decision to purchase came easily, and I paid her the rubles. As I studied my new possession, a marked pride in the seller’s voice broke the silence: “My husband made them.” Ah, designer boots . . . my first.

Her statement stays with me. When the seasons change and I reach to the back of my closet to bring out the boots, I regret not asking, “Did he also kill and skin the reindeer?” Without the answer, I am only left to wonder.

My Siberian reindeer boots are warm, strong, and sturdy, just like the people they represent. Mine was the privilege, in a small way, to get to know them.

Living With Eternal Intentionality®

And this is eternal life, that they may know You the only true God, and Jesus Christ

whom You have sent” (John 17:3).

“What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived— the things God has prepared for those who love him” (I Corinthians 2:9).

Walking with God (in no matter what kind of boots) will take us places we never dreamed we’d go. Where has God taken you that caught you by surprise?

What memory do you have of that event, place, or people?

How do you keep that experience fresh?

In this photo you see my intrigue with Siberia’s Lake Baikal, “the world’s most voluminous and deepest body of freshwater”. In winter, supposedly, trucks loaded with freight drive from shore to shore across the ten foot thick ice.

At an outdoor market on the banks of Lake Baikal, warm conversation with my friend offsets the bitterly cold temperatures.

The Open Door That Matters

Guest Post by Vivian Hyatt

I have a checkered history with elevators. Or any tight, enclosed space. I’m not sure how I survived and thrived in my mother’s womb. Or crawled through the straw-bale-tunnels my brothers constructed in our young years on the farm when it was baling season. Those tunnels were dark and tight and stuffy with straw dust. They had twists and turns and were as elaborate as my brothers could make them. But I knew I would eventually come out the other end where there was light and air.

That’s it, of course. I was sure of the outcome. Not so with elevators or even public restroom stalls. I have been known to leave my cubicle door unlocked, just to make sure the lock wouldn’t stick. I try to go into stalls that have ample space under the door for crawling out. It doesn’t always happen.

I am prone to claustrophobia. I fear being in tight places, unable to get out.

One drab winter day in Siberia, I learned that Trent and I would be staying with our host family in a questionable-aged apartment building, where the only access to their flat was a tiny, rickety, and dimly-lit elevator up ten floors. We would be living with them for a week, going out daily for Trent to teach at another location. That meant getting into that elevator twice a day.

I reasoned within myself: they get into that elevator twice a day—or more—and they are alive and well. I seem to use this reasoning in other situations, such as restroom stalls. I don’t know of anyone who has never gotten out of one. But I could be the first.

I was in a very modern elevator in a very modern Colorado hotel one summer day, all by myself, when the elevator stopped between floors. This is my perennial nightmare. However, this particular elevator had a glass wall. Up seven stories, I could look down to the main floor and see my husband, laughing. He knows not to laugh at my claustrophobia, but he also knew that if I could see out—and be fairly certain of rescue—that it was okay to laugh. I shook a menacing finger at him anyway.        

On another occasion, with friends in New York City after a Yankees game, we found ourselves jammed into a huge elevator with about thirty other fans. When nothing happened, my friend said quizzically, “Is this elevator moving?” She lives in New York City and has doubtless ridden that elevator numerous times. She has always gotten out. But I felt a surge of panic flood my whole body. I broke out in a sweat. I could see our two husbands up ahead in the tightly packed crowd. I felt the need to get to mine, but it was impossible in the crush of people.

Claustrophobia is an unreasoning reality for some. For me.

It’s fairly obvious by now that I have never been stuck in a tight place interminably. I have always gotten out.

But that didn’t help much when the next occasion arose.

The “next occasion” was an MRI, that small, tight space—with my head, they told me, to be secured in a cage. I was to have two MRI’s, back-to-back, and each one would be forty-five minutes long. That meant an hour and a half flat on my back, with my body in a tube and my head in a cage. Not allowed to move. Just the thought made my heart pound. I wrote to the doctor: please give me a sedative. She ordered two tiny pills. I was to take one and, “if needed, the second.”  I wondered if I would have to be kicking and screaming to alert the technicians that I needed the second one.

Researching claustrophobia, I found out that I “should” have had a traumatic experience in my childhood—somebody putting me in a dark room by myself or pinning me down so that I couldn’t move. Except for my brother repeatedly jumping out at me from dark corners (which resulted in me being very skittish but not claustrophobic), none of that happened to me. As recently (relatively speaking) as college, I even had an on-campus job of doing inventory of the items in my dorm kitchen’s walk-in freezer, a room about the size of a long, narrow, and tight closet. There was just enough space to walk between the floor-to-ceiling shelves, with the heavy door shut securely behind me. I never panicked.

Why the difference? Why did I become claustrophobic?

More to the point: what could I do about it?

Well, I took the sedative. Both tiny pills at once. Needless to say, I was blissfully uncaring about that tight space. I may have overdone it. I could hardly stagger around the house the rest of that afternoon.

But you can’t live on sedatives. Especially if you’re just visiting the restroom in an airport.

Unexpectedly, another MRI was ordered. Not so long this time, so I decided to brave it without any artificial help. Prayer was going to be my refuge. Prayer to the God of the Bible and of heaven has long been my lifeline. It would be now. (I did ask for music, but the banging and buzzing were so loud, it sounded like wailing voices in the background, which was worse.)

I was rolled into the tube and felt my head being secured. I kept my eyes shut, recited Psalm twenty-three: “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want …” and prayed. I was amazed at how well I was doing. But after a while, the buzzing had gone on so long, I began to feel panic rising. Just then, my bed in the tube started moving and I was being drawn out. I said, with my eyes still shut, “Is it over?” A man’s voice answered, “Yes. And there will be a bright light.” It sounded like heaven. And it almost felt that way.

 I’ve always, as I said, liked to be sure of the outcome. Elevator doors will open. Every door will open. I will make it through an MRI without fear.

We can’t be sure of most outcomes in this life. But I’m sure of this: someday I will stand before a door in heaven, and it will open, just when I need it to.

“…and its gates will never be shut…”[i]

[i] The Book of Revelation 21:25

 Living With Eternal Intentionality®

“And this is eternal life, that they may know You the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent” (John 17:3). 

Do you share Vivian’s challenge with tight spaces?

How has God met you to get you through?

In what way does the following verse offer comfort? “You are all around me—in front of me and behind me. I feel your hand on my shoulder” (Psalm 139:5 ERV).

Your comment on her brilliant conclusion is welcomed here.

For more of Vivian’s writings, visit her website VivianHyatta.com Swings of Contentment

Vivian Hyatt says of herself, “After leaving Ohio for four years of college in Indiana, I then joined the organization Cru, working with students, which became my lifetime career along with my husband. We ended up spending the bulk of our lives—thirty-nine years—in England, Austria, Germany, and Hungary. I have come back full-circle to Ohio where we live in a 200-year-old house in what was Shawnee territory. We have five (wonderful) adult children and two (wonderful) in-law children, and five (also wonderful) grandchildren.”

A Collection of 2023 Blog Posts

Greetings to you on this cold winter’s day. Please grab a cup of coffee and peruse the list of last year’s bolg posts. By clicking on any title, you can read or reread the entry.

Thank you for joining me on this journey as together we seek to focus on Living With Eternal Intentionality®. Ours is a two-way conversation, so don’t hesitate to offer feedback. And, I welcome your suggestions for future topics.

  1. Submitting to My King

  2. A Baker’s Dozen of 2022 Blogs

  3. Valentine Shortbread Hearts

  4. Award-winning Poem: This Siberia

  5. For This I Have Jesus

  6. 3 Life Lessons Learned in the Barn

  7. Women’s History Month, A Cameo of Miss Adorable

  8. Women’s History Month, A Cameo of Vonette Bright

  9. Women’s History Month, A Cameo of Elisabeth Elliot

  10. Women’s History Month, A Cameo of You

  11. A Life-Changing Easter

  12. We Were There

  13. When God Says No

  14. Words That Knocked Me Off My Feet

  15. Part 2: Words That Knocked Me Off My Feet

  16. This Mom’s Mistake

  17. Needs Further Evaluation

  18. Tim Keller Leaves Legacy of Wisdom

  19. Needs Further Evaluation: Part 2

  20. For Once in My Life

  21. My Unwanted Friend

  22. Don’t Forget to Pack Your Attitude

  23. Fudge Pie for the 4th of July

  24. Tribute to a Mentor

  25. MidSummer Night’s Fun!

  26. Are You Asking Better Questions?

  27. Don’t Feed the Fret

  28. Ten Ways to Grab Summer Before It Is Gone

  29. Nightlight Sheds Daylight on Forgiveness

  30. Serotonin in a File

  31. Fear Is a Liar©

  32. Hershey Bar Pie

  33. Best Advice I Ever Received

  34. The Poetry of Septembers

  35. Little Lies We Tell Ourselves

  36. Commitment, Character, and Comfort Soar in Isaiah

  37. The Hill, A Movie Review

  38. Recycling Revisited

  39. Fresh Apple Cake from the Kitchen of Ruth Graham

  40. A Family Tradition Renewed

  41. 22 Tips to Guarantee a Successful Thanksgiving

  42. Let It Go!

  43. Make Your Questions Count

  44. Holiday Hurt Served on the Menu

  45. 10 of Our Favorite Christmas Traditions

  46. The Powerful Potential of a Christmas Interruption

  47. All Roads Lead to Rome

  48. A Christmas Pause with a Purpose