In honor of International Artist Day, October 25, 2023
Yes! When our 15-year-old granddaughter asked if she could come and spend her Fall Break with us, we answered with a resounding, “Yes!” For cultural enrichment, Larry and I planned an outing to one of the highly acclaimed sights in our city, Cincinnati Art Museum.
For more than three decades of living in Europe, visiting museums to view breathtaking masterpieces became a family tradition. The Hermitage in St. Petersburg, The Louvre in Paris, The Vatican Museums in Rome, The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, The Uffizi in Florence, and The National Gallery in London composed our list of favorites. Now, years later, as grandparents we embraced the opportunity to continue the tradition right in our own country.
Pulling into the parking lot I said, “Ok, let’s do this just like we did when your mother was growing up. Each of the three of us will stroll independently through the museum at our own pace, select several personal favorites, then meet back in the lounge to share our findings.”
And off we went. She began with the African wing, strolled through the American gallery, and made her way to the visiting Picasso exhibition.
Simultaneously, Larry and I mapped out our own routes and wandered through a portion of the vast array of artistic expression. Works by Elizabeth Nourse, A Mother, Robert Fredrick Blum, Venetian Lacemakers and the priceless collection by Cincinnati’s own iconic Frank Duveneck arrested our attention.
When the timer went off and the three of us reconvened to share our findings, we discovered that — wouldn’t you know — one particular painting made the favorites list for each of us: The Fair Exchange by Henry Mosler.
This Saturday cultural afternoon outing reinvigorated me to realize that art transcends generations; it offers aesthetic benefits, mental refreshment, and personal growth to all ages. As we pause to appreciate the talent of others, and seek to absorb the meaning of expression each piece offers, we find our own horizons unexpectedly broadened.
Please join me in celebrating International Artists Day by visiting your local art museum. Be sure to make time for Afternoon Tea in the museum cafe.
Living With Eternal Intentionality®
“And this is eternal life, that they may know You the only true God, and Jesus Christ
whom You have sent” (John 17:3).
“One generation shall praise Your works to another, And shall declare Your mighty acts” (Psalm 145:4).
What place do you think art holds in the life of a Christ follower?
Who is your favorite artist and why?
We would love to hear your comments.
Note: Lest you wonder, our granddaughter’s visit also included all kinds of teenager-ish activities as well. We rode bikes, attended movies, strolled the mall, and ate quite a few pizzas. Be assured, some things never change. Like teenagers of yesteryear, today’s teen still relishes the opportunity to sleep late and delights in the chance to just hang out.